Sunday, July 25, 2010


I love coffee but I no longer take it sweet
Convincing myself the bitterness is now a treat
the white crystals coat the black liquid
changing the authenticity as though its meek
An empty sugar bowl scraping at the edges
for every last piece to cut my craving's wedges
a sugar rush never lasts too long
the flurry is often quickly gone
bringing me crashing feeling tired and hungry
craving cookies and candy
I love coffee but it no longer sits in my cup
convincing myself the emptiness is now a treat
and the black liquid only feeds the weak.
© Elizabeth Dominguez


Words so easily pressed from the lips
actions never easy to exist
the mind creates beauty that the body cannot pertain
why spill the verbiage if the body cannot sustain
love is what moves,pulls,climbs, and never refrains
passion is what collides,delights,and stains
words can sing,play,and rain,but cannot be contained
A promise when told and never fulfilled cuts deep and bleeds
a stitch will always remain but words will not retain
© Elizabeth Dominguez